Friday, 17 January 2014

A new way to earn money

A new way to earn money

(By: Mohammad Yaseen)
This article will define that how the social media has opened the ways of earning.
Now a days because of the social media the world has come close together. Facebook twitter Hotmail etc. are the things that have sum up the entire world into a close box.
These things not only did this but because of this people use to earn money…,interestingisn’t..!!! but it’s the truth…that’s how I earn…,

We all are fully aware of the Facebook which have got id’s pages groups in it. Different pages different id’s groups a perfect database a Facebook is…but have u ever think of earning from Facebook..???? it is true and you cans say it is easy to.. just you need time and time. How I earn….
I’m admin of about 4 to 5 pages which have about 4000 or 5000 likes per page. Means 25000 likes on my 5 Facebook pages. Being and admin of the pages doesn’t give me anything, at first I use to be happy that I have pages and this much likes..i use to put status and share others people pages and etc. but now I just changed this thing into an earning way. From my original of Facebook I use to inbox other pages admins to ask for likes on their pages. Likes doesn’t do anything it’s just the promotion of your page worldwide because many other diff country people are on Facebook and this creates a sense of promotion of page internationally. So I use to inbox  them and ask that whether u need likes for your page or nt. If they say no then no, and if they say yes then I ask how much likes…, we have set a package of likes like
1.      1000 likes for 400Rs
2.      2000 likes for 800Rs
3.      3000 for 1200Rs and so on.
So then they speak of their need and I post their page link on my pages, on all 5 pages and I ask my follower’s or likers to like this page. They do it and I easily achieve my target. In this way I earn on Facebook and in the end of month I have about 4 to 5 thousand rupees in hand.
Question Is how do I get my rupees..???
We now usually use easy paisa. A thing that transfers your money from one place to another with some diff requirements like nic(national identity) number and code etc. in this way I get my rupees and earn.we have got diff websites also through which we can easily earn money but that websites give less money than this thing. This is illegal work in the mind of Facebook creator so that’s why many times my pages use to get blocked or deleted but I just create new which takes time to get likes but I do and start my process again of earning. Sometimes the customers do not pay me my money means they deceive me so I just put their page link on my page and asked my likers to report this page by giving any sort of reasons and this way I make their pages deleted or blocked from Facebook in simple words “revenge”.

That was all about the thing that I do on social media.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

10 Tips You Must Have To Living Your Life On Purpose

10 Tips You Must Have To Living Your Life On Purpose


Over the years, I've coached so many people who are desperately seeking their purpose and spending an immense amount of time 'finding' it and putting an immense amount of pressure on themselves to find it (almost like a race against time).
I've also spoken with a large percentage of people who felt that they knew their purpose but felt blocked around bringing it into reality because they feared the change that would ripple out, or they didn't feel they were worthy of having a purpose-filled life that they loved.
Can you relate to either of these scenarios?
If so, I'd love to share with you the 10 tips to keep in mind as you strive to live your life on purpose:
1. Notice the problems that you feel compelled to fix - there's a reason that you noticed the issue. Years ago, I met a man on a 5hr flight back home and got to hear (in great detail)about his passion for duck conservation. I was fascinated by his passion for all things duck-related and his matching duck attire to boot (I'm not kidding).
I was also struck by the fact that he was inspired to notice the issue facing ducks, while I was not. Why was I unaware of the serious situation facing the future of ducks? Well, because, it is not my purpose - it is his! I notice what I notice, and that is my purpose to participate, 'solve', or whatever the 'noticing's' are inspiring me to do.
I share this example because I hope it will inspire you to a) release the feeling that you need to be involved in everything and are perhaps even worried that you're missing out (trust me, you're not), and b) to note what you notice and then do something with that awareness.
2. Who do you admire? What is it about how they live their journey that resonates with you? There are so many keys to your own purpose in noticing this. It may be the way in which they live or the actual things they participate in - both hold keys to the insight you are meant to glean from why they (of all of the 7 billion people on the planet) light up for you!-)
3. Notice the one issue in your life that you most struggle with no matter how you tackle it (weight loss, relationships issues, etc). You're gaining valuable wisdom that is helping you grow as a person, but which also needs to be shared with others. We create these issues for wisdom but also for connection. Think of all of the amazing people that you've met and the experiences that you've had that likely never would have occurred had it not been for this 'issue!'
Be grateful for that and treat the issue like your classroom to cultivate wisdom (rather than judging yourself for still spinning in it or not moving forward). Make sense?
4. Release the (un)conscious need to make 'finding' your purpose your purpose! When unclear on your purpose (or the next steps on it), just be YOU as you will call experiences to you that only you can attract. These experiences then turn into wisdom that help to cultivate the understanding of your purpose.
Remember: you are here to answer the 1 question that no one else, but you, can answer... and share the 1 gift that only you can share. Being YOU in the question and the gift - enJOY the ride!-)
5. Keep the train moving while you are waiting for the answers! Don't allow 'finding' your purpose to put the brakes on your life or be an energy of distraction. Your primary purpose is to BE - plain and simple. When you are BE-ing, the infinite creative life force moves through you and touches everyone and everything that it needs to touch/transform by moving through you as a vessel for that light. In this perspective, can you see how profound your purpose already is (even without the full knowledge of your unique contribution?-)
6. Clear the blocks that keep you from living your purpose! What would happen if you were actually living life full out with no excuses - what would you attract, who would you meet, what would you create?
Often people are afraid of gaining clarity on their purpose because they fear who they are going to lose, the responsibility they associate with their purpose, or of being alone and unsupported (to list a few examples).
I want to invite you to give thought to who you need to become to be the person that lives their purpose with ease and joy - what do you need to release and what do you need to call in to live a fulfilling purpose sans excuses?
7. Ask your higher self to show you the how! It's not your job to know the how - you take care of being and the universe takes care of the how - are you willing to allow it to be that simple?-)
8. Be present! When you are grounded and embodied in the vessel that allows you to move through life and live on purpose, you can then be in-tune to what is coming into your awareness, you can notice what you notice, you can allow the universe to move through you as you BE!
Your purpose is not in the past (it has already gone) and is not in your future (it has yet to arrive) - it's in the here and now!
9. Be purposeful about everything that you say and do! You may not be clear on your purpose (or feel safe and supported enough to live it) but by activating the vibration of purpose and infusing it into your words, actions, relationships and more, you then allow purposeful living to become a purpose-filled life. By building this muscle it will naturally evolve into illuminating awareness of your ultimate purpose.
10. Surround yourself with inspiration and support! You need fuel to keep going as living a purpose-filled life is a lifetime journey. Create daily rituals, immerse yourself in inspirational teachings to keep your vibration high, and create a circle of support to hold you accountable to your goals, celebrate your wins and inspire you to keep dreaming and creating!

Article Source:

Self-Improvement: The Basics

Self-Improvement: The Basics

I recently had a very wise junior high school client tell me that she greatly enjoys helping her fellow students with their math. She went on to explain that if you do not understand basic math concepts you will not be able to move on to learn the more difficult ones. Unlike Social Studies or Science in which you study a number of different topics that can be totally unrelated, math requires that you have a good grasp of the foundational concepts and then build on them.
Life is like that. Sometimes people wonder why they are having problems and don't understand that there are a few basic foundational concepts that, when learned and practiced, will help them to do well.
  1. Always tell the truth - When you make a habit of lying you need to have a really good memory. If you can't remember the lies you will trip yourself up and reach a point where others won't trust you.
  2. Spend less than you earn - If your lifestyle exceeds your income, it won't take long until that will catch up to you. Living on credit means that you will not only owe what you borrowed or put on plastic but also the interest that accumulates over time.
  3. Become an avid reader- When you read, you gain knowledge and become more interesting. You can learn to do or fix anything from the contents found in books and will not be as needy for others because reading is an excellent form of entertainment.
  4. Work hard - There isn't any better medicine in life than being able to work. A job or project gives you a reason to get up and get dressed in the morning. It allows you to interact with others, feel valued and sleep well. It also gives you some coins to jingle and use to buy your needs.
  5. Value cleanliness - My Norwegian grandmother used to say "Anyone can follow a recipe but not everyone is clean". Make sure that your body and clothes are clean as well as your environment. These things will increase your self-esteem, help you to stay healthy, facilitate productivity and allow others to feel comfortable when they are with you.
  6. Respect people and do what you promise- Every person on earth has value and deserves to be respected even if they have done something that seems totally inappropriate or unacceptable. You will gain respect and increase your own self-respect when you are first of all able to give it to others.
  7. Be on Time - Everyone is busy and that is not an excuse to be late. Airplanes won't wait for you, Income Tax will penalize you and people will think less of you if you are someone who doesn't arrive on time or meet the specified deadlines. You see being late is a form of rudeness that implies the other person's time isn't important. On the other hand, being on time, or even a few minutes early, is less stressful and also shows your commitment and respect to those who are involving or watching.
It doesn't matter if you are a child, adolescent, adult or senior. You can be a student, homemaker, employee, entrepreneur or retiree. Your culture, geographic location and health situation are irrelevant. If you follow the above concepts, regardless of your status or situation, you will enhance your life and gain the esteem of others.
And if there is one or more concepts that you have not practiced in the past, that's okay. You can just begin today and see the blessings that will bring!

Article Source:

Boundaries: Why Do Some People Blame Others For How They Feel?

Boundaries: Why Do Some People Blame Others For How They Feel?

When one takes responsibility for how they feel, they are going to be seen as mature and self aware. And yet when one doesn't take responsibility for how they feel in the majority of cases, they are likely to be seen as lacking awareness and being undeveloped.
But while an outside observer can label them in this way and see their outlook as being self evident, to the person who doesn't take responsibility for how they feel, they are likely to feel that they are in the right.
And should another person say that other people are not responsible for how they feel, they are likely to be met with resistance and denial. So it won't matter if others are giving them feedback about this or not, as it is unlikely to be accepted.
To say that one is in complete control of how they feel is probably going a bit far. No one is their own island and one is therefore going to be affected by what is happening around them.
This is part of life and unless one becomes emotionally numb, this is something one is going to have to accept. However, there is a big difference between being affected by certain things that other people do and being affected by just about everything they do.
Part of being human means that one has the potential for experience empathy. The word potential was used because not everyone on this planet has empathy, and there can be many reasons for this.
But with those reasons aside, having empathy means that one is going to feel things as a result of what other people do. This will be something that happens automatically and without one needing to think about whether they should feel or not.
The Exception
One is therefore not in control of how they feel when it comes to matters of the heart or when another person is suffering. And this ability is vital, as it allows human beings to support one another, to put an end to needless suffering and stand up for them, amongst other things.
Without this, another person is more likely to be seen as an enemy than a friend. And instead of seeing another person as an individual that has their own reality and feelings, they are going to be seen as someone that one can use for their own gain.
Even though empathy is automatic and out of ones conscious control, it is not something that is completely out of their control. And the same could be said about the rest of the feelings that they have.
This is because even if it doesn't have anything to do with empathy, one can still feel as though they have no control over how they feel. Another person could feel amazed at how this person blames others for their feelings and this person can have all the reasons under the sun as to why another person is responsible. They might not actually know that this is not the case.
And the primary reason, as to why one will believe that other people are in control of how they feel, will be the result of them not having boundaries. These allow one to realise that they are not only physically separate, but also emotionally separate.
It is then not that another person can actually define how one feels, but that one has not been able to form healthy boundaries. The reason they feel as they do in a lot of cases, is due to their interpretation of what another person does and not the act itself.
An Example
This is generally made clear by two people who are in the same situation when something doesn't go to plan; one becomes angry and feels let down and another feels at ease and is able to let go. Both of them are in the same environment, but what is different, is how their minds are interpreting what is taking place
Or two people could be around someone who has a certain type of humour. One person just laughs and lets it go past them, whereas the other feels humiliated and ashamed.
The Difference
This means that some people realise that they are separate from others and have boundaries. While other people don't know this and are wide open to what others say. It's like one person feels protected and the other person doesn't.
And the reason as to why they feel this way is likely to go back to their childhood years. What happened here is going to play a big role in whether one has boundaries or not.
When one was a baby, they would have felt that there was no separation between them and their caregiver. Boundaries wouldn't have formed yet and this allowed one to feel a sense of power and that they were safe and protected.
After a while, one would have had the urge to break away from their caregiver and to experience being separate. This is when one would have developed boundaries and realised that they were separate from others. One would have started to develop their own identity during this stage.
The Psychological Birth
Breaking away is often described as the psychological birth. But while it is vital that this happens in order for one to become an individual and to form boundaries, it doesn't always occur. And this means that one will physically grow up and yet their emotional development will end up being stifled.
So as one feels enmeshed to others, it is not much of a surprise that they are going to blame them for how they feel; if anything, it is to be expected. Their emotional development will define how they feel and this is what will feel right.
Without boundaries, one is going to be unable to own their emotional experiences and to contain them. And this means they will have to go somewhere; with that somewhere being onto other people
If one wants to take reasonability for how they feel, then they will have some emotional work to do. One reason why they no emotional control could be due to them having trapped emotions in their body.
As these are released, one will begin to see that they are separate from others. This will then lead to boundaries being formed. The assistance of a therapist or a healer may be required.
Prolific writer, thought leader and coach, Oliver JR Cooper hails from the United Kingdom. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation; love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With several hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behavior, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice. Current projects include "A Dialogue With The Heart" and "Communication Made Easy."

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7 Reasons Why Being the Best Is Not Good Enough

7 Reasons Why Being the Best Is Not Good Enough

1 - Not the way of the best.
If you set out to be the best, you may end up among the top performers - but believe me, you most likely would not be the best. By the simple logic that "a man's reach should exceed his grasp" those who end up as the best often set out with a different objective. They hardly tell you that their aim was to be the ultimate "whatever" - and they prepared themselves accordingly. They only found themselves being labelled the best at the finish line when all their rivals were lost in the dust.
#2 - Change is unchanging.
All things in life change but change itself. A static condition does not exist in the universe - all things are becoming something else. When a condition appears static it is only because its rate of progress is equal to its rate of deterioration. So if you stop aspiring and relax because you are the best, you actually start regressing and would be in for a rude surprise at your next outing - when you may not even be among the top performers.
#3 - Pulling your punches.
If you think that being the best is good enough you may tend to tailor your efforts towards being just a little better than your perceived rivals. You may adopt a strategy similar to theirs rather than tasking your creativity to come up with something innovative. So even if you do come out as the best, you would not have stretched to bring out your best. Personal growth only occurs when we stretch our limits.
#4 - Your gift to the world.
A graver consequence of "pulling your punches" because you think being the best is good enough is that you may actually deprive the world of your own peculiar gift. Who knows, you may be a peculiar genius entrusted by Providence with what it takes to make scientific, artistic, cultural or other breakthroughs that would alleviate human suffering and increase human enjoyment of life. If you are content to be merely the best (rather than the ultimate) you would have frustrated the divine plan - and should be accountable!
Just imagine if Sir Roger Bannister had been content to be the best runner of his day rather than the one who shattered the myth that no man could run a mile in less than four minutes. Wasn't that a victory for the human spirit and an inspiration to many?
#5 - Paradigm shifts.
It is human to strive to overcome obstacles to our happiness and liberty. History has shown that often a so-called paradigm shift (i.e. a profound change in our model or perception of reality) is necessary to surmount major limitations. Thinking that the best available is good enough hardly sustains the kind of curiosity, research and courtship of serendipity that has achieved and continues to beget the fuller, happier life for you and me.
#6 - Victim of history.
What we term "best" may actually be relative to our knowledge of history and current affairs. You may think you are the best because you are only aware of events in your locality or generation. A study of the history of other nations or other periods may reveal that you are far from being the best. So if you would find yourself any small place in history you had better go for broke, rather than rest on a mistaken confidence of prowess, ha ha.
#7 - Use it or lose it.
One last thought that gives the lie to the belief that being the best is good enough is the natural law that what is not exercised atrophies. Unless we constantly aspire to better ourselves mentally, materially and morally we would slowly but inevitable slide into mediocrity and ineptitude.
It is said that the greatest reward of service is the ability to render more service. Therefore, it is our privilege to glorify the creator and improve our world by making the most of our greatest gift of life. For to whom much has been given - from him much is expected.
What is the ultimate approach to excellence? Of what relevance is spirituality in your quest for fulfillment and bliss? John D'Silva's  offers insights that would surprise and refresh you. John is happily devoted to helping You unleash Your Spirit of Excellence. Intelligence directs the universe, not chance.


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