Thursday, 16 January 2014

10 Tips You Must Have To Living Your Life On Purpose

10 Tips You Must Have To Living Your Life On Purpose


Over the years, I've coached so many people who are desperately seeking their purpose and spending an immense amount of time 'finding' it and putting an immense amount of pressure on themselves to find it (almost like a race against time).
I've also spoken with a large percentage of people who felt that they knew their purpose but felt blocked around bringing it into reality because they feared the change that would ripple out, or they didn't feel they were worthy of having a purpose-filled life that they loved.
Can you relate to either of these scenarios?
If so, I'd love to share with you the 10 tips to keep in mind as you strive to live your life on purpose:
1. Notice the problems that you feel compelled to fix - there's a reason that you noticed the issue. Years ago, I met a man on a 5hr flight back home and got to hear (in great detail)about his passion for duck conservation. I was fascinated by his passion for all things duck-related and his matching duck attire to boot (I'm not kidding).
I was also struck by the fact that he was inspired to notice the issue facing ducks, while I was not. Why was I unaware of the serious situation facing the future of ducks? Well, because, it is not my purpose - it is his! I notice what I notice, and that is my purpose to participate, 'solve', or whatever the 'noticing's' are inspiring me to do.
I share this example because I hope it will inspire you to a) release the feeling that you need to be involved in everything and are perhaps even worried that you're missing out (trust me, you're not), and b) to note what you notice and then do something with that awareness.
2. Who do you admire? What is it about how they live their journey that resonates with you? There are so many keys to your own purpose in noticing this. It may be the way in which they live or the actual things they participate in - both hold keys to the insight you are meant to glean from why they (of all of the 7 billion people on the planet) light up for you!-)
3. Notice the one issue in your life that you most struggle with no matter how you tackle it (weight loss, relationships issues, etc). You're gaining valuable wisdom that is helping you grow as a person, but which also needs to be shared with others. We create these issues for wisdom but also for connection. Think of all of the amazing people that you've met and the experiences that you've had that likely never would have occurred had it not been for this 'issue!'
Be grateful for that and treat the issue like your classroom to cultivate wisdom (rather than judging yourself for still spinning in it or not moving forward). Make sense?
4. Release the (un)conscious need to make 'finding' your purpose your purpose! When unclear on your purpose (or the next steps on it), just be YOU as you will call experiences to you that only you can attract. These experiences then turn into wisdom that help to cultivate the understanding of your purpose.
Remember: you are here to answer the 1 question that no one else, but you, can answer... and share the 1 gift that only you can share. Being YOU in the question and the gift - enJOY the ride!-)
5. Keep the train moving while you are waiting for the answers! Don't allow 'finding' your purpose to put the brakes on your life or be an energy of distraction. Your primary purpose is to BE - plain and simple. When you are BE-ing, the infinite creative life force moves through you and touches everyone and everything that it needs to touch/transform by moving through you as a vessel for that light. In this perspective, can you see how profound your purpose already is (even without the full knowledge of your unique contribution?-)
6. Clear the blocks that keep you from living your purpose! What would happen if you were actually living life full out with no excuses - what would you attract, who would you meet, what would you create?
Often people are afraid of gaining clarity on their purpose because they fear who they are going to lose, the responsibility they associate with their purpose, or of being alone and unsupported (to list a few examples).
I want to invite you to give thought to who you need to become to be the person that lives their purpose with ease and joy - what do you need to release and what do you need to call in to live a fulfilling purpose sans excuses?
7. Ask your higher self to show you the how! It's not your job to know the how - you take care of being and the universe takes care of the how - are you willing to allow it to be that simple?-)
8. Be present! When you are grounded and embodied in the vessel that allows you to move through life and live on purpose, you can then be in-tune to what is coming into your awareness, you can notice what you notice, you can allow the universe to move through you as you BE!
Your purpose is not in the past (it has already gone) and is not in your future (it has yet to arrive) - it's in the here and now!
9. Be purposeful about everything that you say and do! You may not be clear on your purpose (or feel safe and supported enough to live it) but by activating the vibration of purpose and infusing it into your words, actions, relationships and more, you then allow purposeful living to become a purpose-filled life. By building this muscle it will naturally evolve into illuminating awareness of your ultimate purpose.
10. Surround yourself with inspiration and support! You need fuel to keep going as living a purpose-filled life is a lifetime journey. Create daily rituals, immerse yourself in inspirational teachings to keep your vibration high, and create a circle of support to hold you accountable to your goals, celebrate your wins and inspire you to keep dreaming and creating!

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